Pinewood Cares
Responding to COVID-19
Pinewoodstock 2020 goes virtual
Although Pinewood was not able to host Pinewoodstock 2020 live on April 16, the show went on in a virtual format: Pinewoodstock@Home! Like the annual concert, the virtual concert featured performances by Music Technology students and faculty members. Many thanks to the Music Technology department for producing the Pinewoodstock@Home video. Be sure to check out the music video for an original song written, performed and produced by Music Technology students at the end of the concert!
Click here to view the full concert.
Teachers connect with students virtually

Pinewood's teachers of all grade levels have continued to embrace new methods of educating and connecting with students during this time of virtual learning. Grade 1 student Maliyah Horlbeck's mother, Carla Stewart-Horlbeck, shared this photo of a recent virtual learning session, saying "Maliyah loves Mrs. Zielke's videos!"
Lower School teachers make home deliveries
Late last week, several Lower School teachers hit the road to deliver materials to supplement students’ virtual learning assignments - and the students were thrilled to greet their teachers! Numerous students created signs or chalk art to welcome teachers along their delivery routes.
A huge “thank you” goes to all faculty, students and parents as Pinewood embarks on virtual learning this week. We are in this together!