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Producing Well-Rounded Students

Pinewood offers students a variety of opportunities to get involved in the life of the school and the community. In addition to joining Pinewood's numerous athletic teams, students can engage their passions in the arts, academic enrichment, or community service. Through participation in extracurricular activities, students will build strong relationships and gain a deeper understanding of how to apply their academic knowledge to everyday life.

Opportunities for Involvement - High School

Blue Crew (Student Spirit Section), Chess Team, Choir,  Environmental Club, Future Physicians Club, International Club, Beta Club, Math Team, Model United Nations, Open Art Studio, Photography Club, Junior State of America (JSA), Quiz Bowl, Pinewood Ambassadors, Pep Band, Music Technology, Robotics Team, Cyber Defense Team, Student Government, Yearbook, Dance Team, Pinewood Stage Company

Opportunities for Involvement - Middle School

Choir, Pinewood Stage Company, Music Exploratory, Sustainable Food Collective, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, Handbells, House Council, Pinewood Ambassadors, Recycling Club, Book Club, Community Service Club, Scrabble Club, Game Board Club, Chess Team, Math Team, Quiz Bowl, Robotics Team

Opportunities for Involvement - Lower School

Chess Team, Choir, Panther Paws Dance Team, Cubs Cheerleading, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee, Handbells, Quiz Bowl, Bucket Drumming, Robotics Team, Theatre, SPARK Afterschool Enrichment Program, Student Government Association