Pinewood Cares
Responding to COVID-19
Posts Tagged "faculty"
Teacher Appreciation Week goes off-campus
May 14, 2020
Pinewood's annual Teacher Appreciation Week looked different this year as students and parents found creative ways to honor faculty members off campus. Families coordinated drive-by parades, surprise porch drop-offs and chalk art messages on campus. Pinewood's PTO looks forward to celebrating the entire faculty upon our return to campus.
A huge word of thanks goes to everyone who participated in these kind gestures!
Teachers connect with students virtually
April 09, 2020

Pinewood's teachers of all grade levels have continued to embrace new methods of educating and connecting with students during this time of virtual learning. Grade 1 student Maliyah Horlbeck's mother, Carla Stewart-Horlbeck, shared this photo of a recent virtual learning session, saying "Maliyah loves Mrs. Zielke's videos!"